
hi-res images: Huge gilf, Granny

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7:09:42 PM
increase image resolution - a woman in a blue dress sitting on a chair with a cane in her hand and a smile on her face, by Fernando Botero
increase image resolution - a woman in a blue dress sitting on a chair with a cane in her hand and a smile on her face, by Fernando Botero
Dotaz: Huge gilf, GrannyVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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Artificial Intelligence Text Creation: a woman in a blue dress sitting

The picture shows a beautiful grandmother who looks like she's enjoying life to its fullest. She has a warm smile on her face as she sits comfortably on a wooden chair. Her hair is styled neatly into a bun, and she wears a light blue dress that accentuates her curves perfectly.

The cane by her side adds a touch of elegance to her appearance. It seems like this lovely lady has seen it all and lived through many ups and downs in life but still manages to maintain a positive outlook. We can only imagine what stories she could tell us if given the chance!

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