
highest resolution photo: Aunt with big-fat belly

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12:30:15 AM
generate picture from text - a woman with a big belly and a shirt on, with a picture of a woman on her chest, by Botero
generate picture from text - a woman with a big belly and a shirt on, with a picture of a woman on her chest, by Botero
Dotaz: Aunt with big-fat bellyVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: Realistické
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Image to Text AI Converter: a woman with a big belly and

The scene opens in a small town where Aunt Betty lives alone after losing both her husband and son to illnesses. She has always been known as the kindhearted one who would give you anything she had if it meant making someone happy. Today, however, things are different.

The sun beats down harshly upon her face as she sits atop her porch swing, staring out into the distance. Her eyes seem distant and far away from reality - almost like they're searching for something lost long ago. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.

It's her nephew John, who hasn't visited since his father passed away last year. He walks up to her slowly but surely, taking off his hat and placing it gently onto her lap before sitting next to her on the swing. "How have you been doing?

" he asks softly, looking straight into her eyes without any hesitation whatsoever. Without saying a word, Aunt Betty reaches over and grabs hold of his hand tightly while tears begin streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably. They sit together silently for several minutes until finally, John breaks the silence by asking her about their family history.

"Do you remember when we used to go fishing every summer? Or how about those days spent playing hide-and-seek underneath your bed sheets? " Aunt Betty nodded solemnly, smiling through her tears as memories flooded back into her mind.

As time went on, more stories were shared between them until eventually, John got up from the swing and walked towards the front door. Before leaving though, he turned around and said goodbye to his dear old auntie with these words: "I love you so much, Aunt Betty. " And just like that, he was gone again...

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