
image ai: woman in a black dress floating on a black puddle with her legs crossed and her head tilted, black flowers emerge from black

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10:16:57 PM
text to image ai generator - a woman in a black dress is sitting in a pond of water with purple flowers in the background and a black background, by Bella Kotak
text to image ai generator - a woman in a black dress is sitting in a pond of water with purple flowers in the background and a black background, by Bella Kotak
Dotaz: woman in a black dress floating on a black puddle with her legs crossed and her head tilted, black flowers emerge from black puddles, gothic, dark,Negativní Podnět: hat, poorly drawn hands, out of frame, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft, obese, unfit body, deformed, disfiguredVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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Artificial Intelligence Content Creation: a woman in a black dress is

The scene depicted in this image is one of mystery and intrigue. A young woman dressed in all black stands atop a large pool of water, her long hair flowing behind her as she stares into the distance. The water around her appears to be a deep shade of blue, almost indigo, while small purple flowers float lazily on its surface.

In the background, we can see a Gothic castle looming over the landscape, its spires reaching towards the sky like fingers grasping for something just out of reach. It's clear that there is more going on here than meets the eye - what could possibly lie beneath those waters?

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