
image convertor: beautiful jessica rabbit, huge, deep cleavage, on desk, red hair. enormous, gigantic, mive, enormous, glue everywhere, smiling

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1:42:00 AM
how to change resolution of image - a woman with red hair and a black bra is sitting at a desk with a book and a lamp, by Hanna-Barbera
how to change resolution of image - a woman with red hair and a black bra is sitting at a desk with a book and a lamp, by Hanna-Barbera
Dotaz: beautiful jessica rabbit, ++++ huge, deep cleavage, on desk, red hair. enormous, gigantic, mive, enormous, glue everywhere, smilingNegativní Podnět: blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn body, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed,Velikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: RealistickéStyl: Kreslený film
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Text Creation with Artificial Intelligence: a woman with red hair and a

Jessica Rabbit sat down in front of her computer screen, ready to work on her latest project - writing a novel about love and adventure. She had just finished reading "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, which inspired her to write something similar.

As she started typing away, she couldn't help but notice how beautiful her surroundings were. The room was decorated with vintage furniture and artwork, giving it a cozy yet sophisticated feel. Jessica loved every detail of this space, from the wooden floors to the high ceilings.

But what really caught her eye was the large window behind her, overlooking the city skyline. It was breathtakingly gorgeous, especially when the sun set and the lights came on. Jessica took a moment to admire the view before getting back to work.

Her fingers flew across the keyboard as she typed out her thoughts, creating characters and plot lines that would keep readers engaged until the very end. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. A man walked into the room, carrying a box filled with books.

He placed them neatly on top of the desk, then turned around and left without saying a word. Jessica looked up from her laptop, confused. Who could he be?

And why did he bring so many books? Then, she noticed something strange... There was glue all over the place!

On the floor, on the walls, even on some of the books. What kind of messy person brings glue into their office? Jessica shook her head in disbelief.

This wasn't going to stop her from finishing her novel though. With determination in her eyes, she continued typing away, ignoring the chaos around her. Soon enough, she had written several chapters worth of material, leaving only one more chapter to go.

Just as she was about to start writing the final scene, there was another knock on the door. Another man entered the room, this time wearing a suit and tie. He introduced himself as Mr.

Smith, the owner of the publishing company where Jessica worked. He congratulated her on her progress thus far, then asked if she wanted him to read through her manuscript. Without hesitation, Jessica nodded enthusiastically.

After all, who better than Mr. Smith to give feedback on such an important piece of literature? They spent hours discussing the finer details of each page, making sure everything made sense and flowed together seamlessly.

Finally, after months of hard work, Jessica's novel was complete. She held it proudly in her hands, feeling like a true author for the first time ever. Mr.

Smith smiled warmly at her, praising her talent and dedication. He promised to publish her book within the next few weeks, and they both knew it would be a success.

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