
increase pixel: heaven on earth, temples, roads of gold, floating islands with waterfalls, floating lanterns, Yeshua sitting on throne with two

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3:31:43 AM
ai image upscale - a waterfall with a waterfall and a lantern in the foreground and a waterfall in the background with trees and rocks, by Marianne North
ai image upscale - a waterfall with a waterfall and a lantern in the foreground and a waterfall in the background with trees and rocks, by Marianne North
Dotaz: heaven on earth, temples, roads of gold, floating islands with waterfalls, floating lanterns, Yeshua sitting on throne with two lions.Velikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: RealistickéStyl: Pixel
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AI Copywriting Tool: a waterfall with a waterfall and a

In this heavenly paradise, you can find yourself surrounded by beautiful temples made out of pure gold. The streets are paved with golden bricks, creating a magical atmosphere. As you walk through these magnificent structures, you will notice that they seem to float above the ground.

This is because each temple has been built upon a series of pillars, which allow them to remain suspended in mid-air. As you explore the area, you come across a breathtaking sight - a waterfall cascading down from the heavens into a pool below. The water glistens like diamonds as it falls, creating a mesmerizing display.

You take a moment to admire the view before continuing your journey. Suddenly, you hear a voice calling out to you. It's coming from one of the many floating islands dotting the landscape.

Upon closer inspection, you realize that these islands are actually made up of thousands of tiny pieces of wood, all connected together by ropes. Each island houses its own unique set of buildings, including homes, shops, and even schools. You decide to visit one of the islands, where you meet a group of children playing outside their schoolhouse.

They greet you warmly and invite you inside to see what life is like here. Inside, you find rows of desks filled with students diligently studying away at their lessons. The walls are adorned with colorful murals depicting scenes from local folklore.

After spending some time exploring the island, you head back towards the mainland. Along the way, you pass by several other floating islands, each with its own distinctive features. Some have gardens full of exotic plants, while others boast impressive libraries stocked with rare books.

Finally, you reach the edge of the mainland, where you spot a majestic figure seated upon a throne. He looks like he could be a king, but his face is hidden behind a veil of clouds. A pair of fierce lions stand guard beside him, ready to protect their master against any threats.

As you approach the throne, the figure rises to greet you. His eyes piercing blue, he introduces himself as "Yeshua," the King of Heaven. He tells you that he created this world specifically for those who seek peace and tranquility.

And now, after years of hard work, he finally welcomes you to join him in his eternal kingdom.

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