
make images hd: dog

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10:26:40 PM
how to make image higher resolution - a dog laying on the side of a road with a red ball in the background and a black and white dog with a blue collar, by Dan Smith
how to make image higher resolution - a dog laying on the side of a road with a red ball in the background and a black and white dog with a blue collar, by Dan Smith
Dotaz: dogVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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Image to Text Machine Learning: a dog laying on the side of

The scene opens up to a sunny day where a small brown puppy lies motionless on the pavement. The little pup's eyes are closed as it rests peacefully underneath its owner's car. Suddenly, a loud bang echoes through the air as the vehicle starts moving again.

As the car speeds away from the spot, the dog wakes up and begins chasing after it. However, just before reaching the end of the street, the pup stops abruptly at the sight of something shiny lying on the ground - a bright red ball! With excitement written all over his face, he picks up the object and runs towards his owner who has parked their car nearby.

The man gets out of the car and approaches the excited canine, praising him for being such a good boy. He then takes the ball and throws it into the air, watching as the furry friend catches it effortlessly. After playing fetch for some time, they both sit down next to each other, enjoying the warm summer afternoon together.

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