
upscaler: fat farmer woman

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11:21:24 PM
low res image to high res - a woman in a blue dress standing in a field of crops with her belly exposed and her hands on her hips, by Terada Katsuya
low res image to high res - a woman in a blue dress standing in a field of crops with her belly exposed and her hands on her hips, by Terada Katsuya
Dotaz: fat farmer womanVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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AI-driven Text Writing: a woman in a blue dress standing

The sun beamed down upon the fields as the fat farmer woman stood proudly amidst her crop. Her stomach bulged out from underneath her blue dress, but she didn't seem to mind. She had worked hard all day long, tending to each plant with care and attention.

As she looked up at the sky, she couldn't help but smile - this was what she loved doing most. As the sun began to set, the farmer woman made her way back home. She knew it would take some time before she could harvest any produce, but she wasn't worried.

After all, patience was one of the many virtues she possessed. With a satisfied sigh, she closed the door behind herself and collapsed onto her bed. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but today had been well worth it.

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