Converting GIF to PSD

GIF to PSD Conversion: Simple, Fast, and Reliable

Our online converter allows you to change your GIF files into Photoshop's native PSD format quickly and easily. Whether you're a professional designer or an amateur, our tool simplifies the conversion process, allowing you to focus on your creative work rather than technical issues.
Benefits of Converting GIF to PSD
Converting GIF to PSD offers you more flexibility in editing and enhancing your images. PSD is Photoshop's native format, enabling you to manipulate layers, add effects, and apply advanced editing techniques, all of which are not possible with a GIF file.
How to convert GIF to PSD
Look no further for a fast and free secure image converter. It couldn’t be easier to use. Simply follow the straightforward step-by-step instructions listed below to download your converted file to your computer or mobile device in an instant, regardless of the operating system. To save time you can convert and download multiple files in a single batch, rather than processing each one individually.
step 1
Upload your file(s)
Select the file(s) you want to convert from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it onto the page.
step 2
Choose the PSD
Choose the file PSD you want to convert the image into
step 3
Download the converted file
Allow the conversion process to run and you can download your PSD file right away
Total conversion rate
4.7(116081 votes)
You have to convert and download any file to estimate the conversion!
Start taking full control of your graphic projects with our GIF to PSD converter. Experience how we turn complex conversions into a simple, user-friendly process. Try it now!