
ai image: werewolf guy with dog ears and short hair

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12:52:39 AM
turn photo hd - a wolf with a black shirt and yellow eyes is shown in this picture, with a gray background and a gray background, by NHK Animation
turn photo hd - a wolf with a black shirt and yellow eyes is shown in this picture, with a gray background and a gray background, by NHK Animation
Query: werewolf guy with dog ears and short hairImage Size: 512x512Tiling: absentSampling techniques: Euler aStyle: Flat
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Smart Text Generation: a wolf with a black shirt and

The werewolf guy with dog ears and short hair was seen walking down the street with his loyal companion, a wolf with a black shirt and yellow eyes. The two seemed to be enjoying each other's company as they strolled through town. As they passed by a coffee shop, the werewolf stopped to order some hot chocolate while the wolf sat patiently at their feet.

After finishing their drinks, the pair continued on their way until they reached a park where they decided to take a break from their busy day. They laid down underneath a tree and enjoyed the warm sunshine before heading back home together.

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